Hi-Power MastersGrips

There is no such thing as a Hi-Power grip that is a universal drop-in fit in all Hi-Power frames – there is only one grip screw – any HP grip that fits them all will be quite loose on many HP frames. If some minor fitting is necessary, the pay-off for that is a grip panel with an excellent fit. A grip that lands on your HP frame, and screws right on, can be fine……for a minute…..until you go shooting and discover that a less than fitted fit will often loosen up during shooting – not good!
The back panel of the grips can be file fitted, as necessary. It’s not a big deal and the end result that you have is superior.
There are not less than 8 different grip frames that have been produced for the Hi-Power – and they all have slightly different dimensions for the grip panels’ back panel. If we make a grip that drops in on all 8, that means that the grip will be loose on 7 of them.
All of our grips are tight-fitted to a Browning Hi-Power MKIII/IIIs frame. If you have a Browning HP frame of a different generation than we use for our factory fitting or any other manufacturer’s HP, then you might need to do some minor fitting – and you’ll have perfectly fitting grips as a result.

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