Slide Rack Optimization Kit


Slide Rack Optimization Kit


This is a “Specific Use” Optimizing Spring Set-Up, that every Hi Power Owner should have in their “tool-box”.  This kit includes our New and Tested 24 lb Main Spring.  In all Full-Size and Compact Hi Powers and Clones, this 24 lb Main Spring reduces the effort of cocking the hammer when racking the slide from Hammer Forward Condition 3, and also reduces the impact on the Hammer/Sear relationship, often reducing Trigger Break Weight, making this Set-Up essential for all Competition and Distance Shooting.  The 24 lb Main Spring is also an Optimized Main Spring for the Arcus 98 Series and reduces the effort associated with the Arcus 98s Double Action Trigger Pull.  Also included in the Slide Rack Optimization Kit, the BHSpringSolutions Light Firing Pin Spring and the “Extra Power” Recoil Spring for your specific model.