BHAdvanced Hi-Power Package


This product is compatible with:
FN & Browning Hi-Power 9mm & .40S&W (All Generations) (Belgium, Belgium / Portugal)
FM 90 & FM 95 Full-Size & Detective Models (Argentina)
FEG (All Generations Single-Action Hi-Power Clones) (Hungary)
Kareen (All Generations) (Israel, Bulgaria)
Arcus 94 / 94C (All Generations) (Bulgaria)
Tisas BR9 (Turkey)
Inglis HP (All Generations) (Canada)
Mauser 80SA (Germany)
Charles Daly HP (U.S.A.)
Ishapore 1A HP (India)
Springfield SA35




This combo will bring your HI-Power inner components to BHSpringSolutions’ standards for functionality, reliability, and safety. The package contains all the needed items and tools to carry out the job. We do recommend a qualified gunsmith to examine the condition of the gun prior to the installation of the parts.

Please add a note during the checkout to let us know the gun model you’re intending to install the package.

The package includes:

  • SFS Kit gen.2 (with two sear springs) – Regular Price: $179.95
  • SFS-Compatible Ultimate Spring Kit – – Regular Price: $33.95
  • Convertible (Ambidextrous) Tactical Magazine Catch/Release for HiPower Pistols – NOTE: NOT USABLE IN TISAS BR9 – Regular Price: $44.95
  • BHSpringsSolutions Advanced Trigger Sub-assembly (Serrated Trigger)- Regular Price: $149.90
  • Roll pin punch – 3/32″ – Regular Price: $8.00
  • Roll pin punch – 1/16″ – Regular Price: $8.00
  • Roll pin punch – 5/64″ – Regular Price: $8.00
  • 3/32 Standard Pin Punch – Regular Price: $8.00
  • Hi-Power Trigger Pin Removal Solution – Regular Price: $15.95
  • 13 Round Mecgar Blued Mag – Regular Price: $32.67 (10 Round Mecgar Magazines in Restricted States – Regular Price: $32.67 )
  • 15 Round Mecgar Blued Mag – Regular Price: $35.60(10 Round Mecgar Magazines in Restricted States – Regular Price: $32.67 )
  • Hex-Head Grip Screws – Regular Price: $5.00
  • Retaining Plate Remove/Install Tool – Regular Price: $27.95
  • Roll Pin Replacement Kit containing: Sear Lever Pin, Extractor Pin – Regular Price: $9.95   



Additional components choosable by drop-down menu:



The following components contained in a Hi-Power are NOT replaced by the standard included components in this package:



The 20 Benefits of the FAST SAFETY (SFS) System

for Hi Powers and Hi Power Clones

  1.         SFS System allows the Hi Power to be carried Condition 1, but in a Hammer Forward state.  When the Manual Safety (termed the “Cocking Lever” with the SFS system) is swiped off, the hammer simultaneously springs to the cocked/ready to fire position by work of a Spring.
  2.         Because of the almost flat hammer profile and hammer-forward “carry” position of the hammer, the Hi Power can be carried Condition 1 and eliminate common “snagging” in clothing of a cocked Hi Power hammer.
  3.         Most comfortable hammer for Carry (doesn’t dig into your side-fat when carried IWB on the hip) Makes the Hi Power feel more like a Striker-Fired Concealed Carry handgun, except better because of the Hi Powers thin profile.
  4.         Best Solution for More Sure and Fast One Handed Deployment of the Hi Power.
  5.         Enables “Hammer Forward Carry”, (like a DA/SA handgun), with the superior benefit of every shot being the same Single Action Trigger Pull.
  6.         Adds an Extended Slide Stop/Slide Release…Making all the Hi Powers Controls easily within reach of the thumb of the shooting hand, without releasing or adjusting grip on the Hi Power.
  7.         Adds Ambidextrous Safety to older Hi Powers with one-sided safety.
  8.         Better / Lighter Trigger Pull – Many SFS users have reported a Trigger Break Reduction of ½ – 1 ¼ lbs after installing SFS.  This is attributable to two things.  The SFS Main Spring is 30 lb, and dimensionally shorter than the FN/Browning OEM 32 lb Main Spring.  Less pressure on the Sear/Hammer Tooth Relationship will typically create a reduction in trigger pull weight.
  9.         Cleaner/Crisper Trigger Break – The SFS System is a group of parts and springs that replace certain parts of the Traditional Operating System.  Two parts replaced are the Sear and Hammer.  Typical feedback from gunsmiths: “The SFS Hammer and Sear are extremely well made, and typically superior to the FN/Browning OEM Sear/Hammer.  It is not uncommon for a non-modified Browning trigger pull to go like this:  “Take up…….wall……you think you’re at the “break” of the trigger……then you pull a little more into a “zone” that allows the trigger to pull a little more and yet still the trigger doesn’t break… with more pressure……..FINALLY!……..the hammer falls!”  The SFS Sear/Hammer set typically eliminates THAT! (Note: All results do vary slightly)
  10.      Adds a “Drop Safety” to the Hi Power (that doesn’t degrade trigger pull!)  When in the “On Safe” position, both Slide and Hammer are locked.
  11.      Persons who miss-out on the benefits of Hi Power Carry because they don’t like “Cocked and Locked” Carry, for any reason, can usually embrace Condition 1 SFS Hammer Forward Carry.
  12.      The SFS System Replaces Three Springs in a Hi Power: Hammer (Main) Spring, Safety Lever Spring, the flat metal Sear Spring, and adds a new “Return Spring” that is the cause of the Hammer’s Cocking Action when the Safety is swiped off.  BHSpringSolutions LLC manufactures Optimized SFS Main Spring, Cocking Lever Spring, and Return Spring.  In the opinion of BHSpringSolutions LLC, the design of SFS springs is appropriate for the jobs these springs perform and none of these springs could be considered “over-worked”.
  13.      Seeing the Hammer Forward provides visual confirmation that the Hi Power is “on safe”.  Eliminates all “THAT HAMMER IS COCKED!” concerns.
  14.      Transition to SFS is seamless for Cocked and Locked carriers of the Hi Power.
  15.      Safe Condition 1 Carry, easily embraced by Hi Power owners currently using a “Condition 2 or Condition 3 Carry.  (Also safer because of the “no-snag” hammer.)
  16.      MAY buy you a few extra seconds to access your Back-Up Weapon if an attempted Gun Grab is successful and your Hi Power ends up in a bad-guys hand.  The SFS System is different and may cause momentary confusion for an attacker who gains control or your Hi Power.  In the SFS Carry Condition 1, the Hammer is Locked and cannot be manually cocked.  The Slide is Locked and cannot be racked.  When the Safety is disengaged, it causes the hammer to spring rearward – again, different, and may cause momentary confusion for an attacker in a Gun Grab.  At a minimum, in a “Gun Grab” situation, your Hi Power might be more difficult for an attacker to deploy than any “non-manual-safety” semi-auto pistol.  SFS has Tactical Safety Advantages over ANY other operating system on any handgun.
  17.      Fastest Hi Power Field Strip procedure.  User no longer needs to lock back the slide, to remove the Slide Stop/Slide Release.  Simply push out Slide Stop wh while applying slight upward pressure on the Slide Stop.
  18.      If shooter tends to “ride the manual safety” with shooting thumb during shooting, nothing changes.  But, since the SFS Manual Safety cannot be “cammed up” with the thumb (only by manually pushing forward the hammer), SFS eliminates the chance of the thumb riding up under the safety and inadvertently engaging the safety.
  19.      Ambidextrous Magazine Catch (Included with Tactical Version)
  20.      Decocking the hammer no longer requires a dangerous maneuver of pulling the trigger and easing the hammer forward.

Installation Required and Some Minor Fitting is Possible.  Written Instructions Included and Video Tutorial on YouTube. 


In 2018, Leon Hubert (35 Year Former Designer at FN) and the Co-Founders of BHSpringSolutions LLC initiated cooperative efforts to re-design the Hi-Powers’ Trigger Sub-Assembly.  21 months of continuous refinement and testing produced the Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly for Hi-Powers, that produces the following functional benefits:

    • Refined geometry repositions the trigger “shoe” in the Hi-Powers’ trigger guard and affords a more straight-back trigger pull and reset motion more characteristic of John Browning’s trigger designs
    • Wider Triggers that engages with more surface area of the trigger finger.
  • Elimination of the Magazine Disconnect
  • Re-design and refinement of the geometry of the Hi-Powers’ Trigger Pawl (lever) minimizes metal-to-metal resistance of the Trigger Pawl’s relationship with the Hi-Powers’ grip frame and optimizes the engagement point with the Hi-Powers’ Sear Connecting Lever (Sear Lever).
  • Because the parts of the Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly work together more cooperatively than in the original P35 Trigger Sub-Assembly, the Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly functions on a broader range of Trigger Return Spring strengths……..benefitting the Hi-Power owner because it makes tuning the Hi-Power Trigger within a range of 1 ½ – 2 lbs + or -, as easy as changing the Trigger Return Spring.
    • Eliminates conflict of the Trigger Return Spring with the Trigger Pin (found in all original design Hi-Power triggers)
  • Minor, and required, fitting of the Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly makes possible Optimal Trigger Functionality in all Hi-Power models regardless of manufacturer or generation
  • A New Invention of a Magazine-Eject-Assist-Spring can be used with the Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly for Hi-Powers, that does not degrade the trigger pull. Use of this spring is optional in the design.

In Dieudonne Saive’s re-design of John Browning’s Trigger/Trigger Pawl/Trigger-Return-Spring design, certain design attributes were compromised.  To the extent possible, the BHSpringSolutions Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly for Hi-Power pistols restores John Brownings’ design fundamentals found in the 1927 Grand Rendement.



In 1922, John M. Browning designed the last firearm for which he would receive a Patent, most commonly referred to as the 1927 Grand Rendement – denoting the year the Patent was issued.  From many of the design elements of the 1927 Grand Rendement, along with many design elements of the 1911, Dieudonne Saive configured the handgun initially known as the “P35”, later most commonly known as the “Hi-Power”.

It was John Browning, in the 1927 Grand Rendement who first designed a handgun Trigger Sub-Assembly that included the Trigger, a Trigger Pawl (later renamed the Trigger Lever), and a Trigger Return Spring, that form a unit.  Today we call it the Hi-Power’s Trigger-Sub-Assembly.


By 1935, Dieudonne Saive had made numerous design changes to John Browning’s original Trigger-Sub-Assembly, some good, some not, and the end result was a P35 (Hi-Powers’) Trigger Sub-Assembly with numerous non-John Browning-like trigger performance characteristics.   John Browning’s original design contained NO Magazine Disconnect, Dieudonne Saive’s end product did.  And as negative as Saive’s Magazine Disconnect was for the integrity of the Hi-Power Triggers’ “Take-Up” and “Break”, the Magazine Disconnect also played a positive role in the P35’s Trigger Reset.  The final Dieudonne Saive version of John Browning’s Trigger/Trigger Pawl/Trigger Return Spring design also was weak because the design creates a “down and back” trigger pull motion, instead of the “straight back” pull characteristic always found in John Browning’s designs.  And, the Dieudonne Saive design produces a conflict between the Trigger Return Spring and the Trigger Pin for which a “groove” in the HP’s Trigger Pin was necessitated to attempt to eliminate the resistance on the trigger that this design inevitably creates.


Over the years, multiple third-party companies have produced alternative triggers for the P35, all of which retain many of the original Dieudonne Saive design weaknesses which cannot be eliminated short of a complete re-design of the entire HP Trigger Sub-Assembly.




The BHSpringSolutions Advanced Trigger Sub-Assembly System contains multiple Trigger Return Springs giving each Hi-Power owner the power to customize the triggers’ performance by simply choosing and installing the best Trigger Return Spring for the application and the shooters’ preference. 

Note: Each of these springs is made from a different diameter of spring wire.  Should your Trigger Return Springs ever get mixed up, measure the diameter of the spring wire with a caliper.  Actual spring diameter may be   + or –   0.01mm.

Trigger Return Spring #1: (0.80mm Spring Wire)

Tactical Trigger Return Spring.  This is the strongest, most rigid, spring option.  Good choice for shooters wanting Maximum Reset Authority in trigger performance.

Trigger Return Spring #2: (0.75mm Spring Wire)

Good General Purpose Trigger Return Spring.  Good Spring to test first, in Hi-Powers with a “Type 1” Sear Lever (non-drop-safety sear lever used on in early FN / Browning Hi-Powers and most Hi-Power Clones).

Trigger Return Spring #3: (0.70mm Spring Wire)

Good General Purpose Trigger Return Spring.  Good Spring to test first, in Hi-Powers with a “Type 2” Sear Lever (Drop-safety sear lever design used in Browning Mark III Hi-Powers and FM95 Series Hi-Powers.)

Trigger Return Spring #4: (0.65mm Spring Wire)

Primarily a “Target Trigger Return Spring”.  Lightest trigger pull and maintains acceptable Reset Performance in most Hi Powers. May be too light for Hi-Powers used in defensive roles.




Many components in the Hi-Power design impact actual trigger pull break weights in the Hi-Power design.  The example below is intended to show the approximate increase or decrease in trigger break weights typically obtained with the different Trigger Return Spring options.

TRIGGER RETURN SPRING                                                                       AVG. TRIGGER BREAK WEIGHT

Trigger Return Spring #1: (0.80mm Spring Wire)                           6.0 – 6.25 lbs.

Trigger Return Spring #2: (0.75mm Spring Wire)                           5.5 – 5.75 lbs.

Trigger Return Spring #3: (0.70mm Spring Wire)                           5.0 – 5.25 lbs.

Trigger Return Spring #4: (0.65mm Spring Wire)                           4.5 – 4.75 lbs.


BHAdvanced Trigger Sub-Assembly

Installing the BHAdvanced Trigger Sub-Assembly into a Hi-Power pistol, currently containing the original HP Trigger-Sub-Assembly in its original configuration, will eliminate the Magazine Disconnect function.
All Hi-Power (HP35) pistols in their original configuration contain a “Magazine Disconnect”. A firearm with a Magazine Disconnect cannot be fired with the magazine removed from the firearm.
A firearm that does not contain a Magazine Disconnect can be fired, if there is a round in the barrel chamber, without a magazine installed in the firearm. Most modern firearms do not contain a Magazine Disconnect and are not considered “unsafe” because they do not, and some modern firearms do contain a Magazine Disconnect.
After installation of the BHAdvanced Trigger Sub-Assembly for Hi-Power pistols, the Hi-Power WILL fire without a magazine inserted in the firearm, if there is a round in the chamber.
Two important safety aspects of handguns that DO NOT contain a Magazine Disconnect:
– A handgun that does not contain a Magazine Disconnect is by far best for training new shooters who are learning for the first time because a round can be chambered, magazine removed, and it is impossible for a new shooter to fire more than one round.
– Because Hi-Powers are used defensively by civilians, as well as by law enforcement, military and other security forces, a Hi-Power not containing a magazine disconnect can be fired during a magazine change if there is a round remaining in the chamber.

Installation Required and Some Minor Fitting is Possible.  Written Instructions Included and Video Tutorial on YouTube. 

Any Hi-Power user who requires a Magazine Disconnect, for any reason, should not install the BHAdvanced Trigger Sub-Assembly.