4.25″ 1911 Recoil Springs Kit 5-Pack 16lb, 17lb, 18lb, 18lb Progressive, 20lb


4.25″ 1911 Recoil Springs Kit  5-Pack  16lb, 17lb, 18lb, 18lb Progressive, 20lb


In stock


1911 Commander .45ACP 

4.25″ Barrel 

16 lb., 17 lb., 18lb., 18 lb. Progressive, 20lb. RECOIL SPRINGS

BHSpringSolutions Use Recommendations: 

16 lb – 9mm / .38Super Standard Pressure Ammo & light .45ACP Reloads

17 lb. – 9mm and .38Super +P Ammunition

18 lb. – .45ACP Standard Pressure Ammunition

18 lb. Progressive – .45ACP Standard Pressure Ammunition 

20 lb. – .45ACP +P Ammunition


The .45ACP cartridge was originally invented to achieve optimal ballistics from a 5″ barrel 1911.  Shortening the barrel for the same size ammunition always presents certain challenges – primarily, controlling the same amount of energy and recoil with less Recoil Spring, since the Recoil Spring must become dimensionally shorter when the barrel is shortened.  Shorter life of the Recoil Spring is a predictable by-product of this compromise.   Users of the 1911 Commander .45ACP / 4.25″ Barrel should embrace replacing the Recoil Spring at intervals not exceeding 3 years or 3,000 rounds fired.  

  1. All 1911s are not created equal.  Nobody seems to know how many firearms manufacturers have built a 1911 semi-auto pistol.  And even though springs may be interchangeable between most of them, not all 1911s function best with the same recoil and main spring combinations.
  2. The design of the 1911 is so excellent, and so robust, that many 1911s continue to function, even after all the springs have become weak.  This is both a blessing and a curse – because although the 1911 may seem to function fine with unhealthy springs – accuracy will suffer and rearward slide velocity will become excessive, causing premature wear of parts.  In addition to causing your 1911 to wear out faster, weakened springs make great “riding partners” for a host of potential 1911 malfunctions, including:  Encountering ammunition with “hard primers” (failures-to-fire) goes hand in hand with an unhealthy main spring that no longer causes the hammer to strike the firing pin with sufficient force.  Experiences of failures-to-feed go hand in hand with a weakened recoil spring that no longer returns the slide to battery with sufficient authority.
  3. Variations in .45ACP ammunition, exist today, that did not exist in 1911.  The varieties of bullet weights and pressures in ammunition today constitute a moving target.
  4. All coil springs in the 1911 are compressed, when installed.  They are expending energy (wearing themselves out) just by being installed in a 1911.

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You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to assure that your firearm(s) are functioning in a safe and reliable manner and that if not, whether you have installed a BHSpringSolutions LLC product or not, you will take any and all measures, including repairs by a qualified Gunsmith, required to correct such issues before loading and using your firearms.