The 21 Benefits of the FAST SAFETY (SFS 2.0) System
for Hi Powers and Hi Power Clones
You can find all our Browning Hi-Power SFS kits HERE
- SFS System allows the Hi Power to be carried Condition 1, but in a Hammer Forward state. When the Manual Safety (termed the “Cocking Lever” with the SFS system) is swiped off, the hammer simultaneously springs to the cocked/ready to fire position by work of a Spring.
- Because of the almost flat hammer profile and hammer-forward “carry” position of the hammer, the Hi Power can be carried Condition 1 and eliminate common “snagging” in clothing of a cocked Hi Power hammer.
- Most comfortable hammer for Carry (doesn’t dig into your side-fat when carried IWB on the hip) Makes the Hi Power feel more like a Striker-Fired Concealed Carry handgun, except better because of the Hi Powers thin profile.
- Best Solution for More Sure and Fast One Handed Deployment of the Hi Power.
- Enables “Hammer Forward Carry”, (like a DA/SA handgun), with the superior benefit of every shot being the same Single Action Trigger Pull.
- Adds an Extended Slide Stop/Slide Release…Making all the Hi Powers Controls easily within reach of the thumb of the shooting hand, without releasing or adjusting grip on the Hi Power.
- Adds Ambidextrous Safety to older Hi Powers with one-sided safety.
- Better / Lighter Trigger Pull – Many SFS users have reported a Trigger Break Reduction of ½ – 1 ¼ lbs after installing SFS. This is attributable to two things. The SFS Main Spring is 30 lb, and dimensionally shorter than the FN/Browning OEM 32 lb Main Spring. Less pressure on the Sear/Hammer Tooth Relationship will typically create a reduction in trigger pull weight.
- Cleaner/Crisper Trigger Break – The SFS System is a group of parts and springs that replace certain parts of the Traditional Operating System. Two parts replaced are the Sear and Hammer. Typical feedback from gunsmiths: “The SFS Hammer and Sear are extremely well made, and typically superior to the FN/Browning OEM Sear/Hammer. It is not uncommon for a non-modified Browning trigger pull to go like this: “Take up…….wall……you think you’re at the “break” of the trigger……then you pull a little more into a “zone” that allows the trigger to pull a little more and yet still the trigger doesn’t break… with more pressure……..FINALLY!……..the hammer falls!” The SFS Sear/Hammer set typically eliminates THAT! (Note: All results do vary slightly)
- Adds a “Drop Safety” to the Hi Power (that doesn’t degrade trigger pull!) When in the “On Safe” position, both Slide and Hammer are locked.
- Persons who miss-out on the benefits of Hi Power Carry because they don’t like “Cocked and Locked” Carry, for any reason, can usually embrace Condition 1 SFS Hammer Forward Carry.
- The SFS System Replaces Three Springs in a Hi Power: Hammer (Main) Spring, Safety Lever Spring, the flat metal Sear Spring, and adds a new “Return Spring” that is the cause of the Hammer’s Cocking Action when the Safety is swiped off. BHSpringSolutions LLC manufactures Optimized SFS Main Spring, Cocking Lever Spring, and Return Spring. In the opinion of BHSpringSolutions LLC, the design of SFS springs is appropriate for the jobs these springs perform and none of these springs could be considered “over-worked”.
- Seeing the Hammer Forward provides visual confirmation that the Hi Power is “on safe”. Eliminates all “THAT HAMMER IS COCKED!” concerns.
- Transition to SFS is seamless for Cocked and Locked carriers of the Hi Power.
- Safe Condition 1 Carry, easily embraced by Hi Power owners currently using a “Condition 2 or Condition 3 Carry. (Also safer because of the “no-snag” hammer.)
- MAY buy you a few extra seconds to access your Back-Up Weapon if an attempted Gun Grab is successful and your Hi Power ends up in a bad-guys hand. The SFS System is different and may cause momentary confusion for an attacker who gains control or your Hi Power. In the SFS Carry Condition 1, the Hammer is Locked and cannot be manually cocked. The Slide is Locked and cannot be racked. When the Safety is disengaged, it causes the hammer to spring rearward – again, different, and may cause momentary confusion for an attacker in a Gun Grab. At a minimum, in a “Gun Grab” situation, your Hi Power might be more difficult for an attacker to deploy than any “non-manual-safety” semi-auto pistol. SFS has Tactical Safety Advantages over ANY other operating system on any handgun.
- Fastest Hi Power Field Strip procedure. User no longer needs to lock back the slide, to remove the Slide Stop/Slide Release. Simply push out Slide Stop wh while applying slight upward pressure on the Slide Stop.
- If shooter tends to “ride the manual safety” with shooting thumb during shooting, nothing changes. But, since the SFS Manual Safety cannot be “cammed up” with the thumb (only by manually pushing forward the hammer), SFS eliminates the chance of the thumb riding up under the safety and inadvertently engaging the safety.
- Ambidextrous Magazine Catch (Included with Tactical Version)
- Decocking the hammer no longer requires a dangerous maneuver of pulling the trigger and easing the hammer forward.
- All SFS 2.0 Systems now include 2 Sear Springs that provide approximately a 1.5 lb difference in trigger pull break between the two springs.