Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips for Hi-Power AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPPING HP1209H


Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips for Hi-Power



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THE WOOD of BHSS Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips:

The Highest known Grade of Walnut, on our planet – some “wavy grained”, some “tiger grained”, etc.  High grades of Walnut are available worldwide, but this ultra-high-grade of Walnut is currently only available in Bulgaria and Turkey – and, it is expensive.  The result this Walnut produces is just jaw-dropping eye-popping gorgeous.  In the opinion of BHSpringSolutions, these are the grip panels for the Hi Power that FN and Browning and every other Hi Power manufacturer from history, should have produced, and never did.  The finished quality of these grips exceeds even the gloss walnut that Browning is so famous for in their shotguns and rifles.

The Finish of These BHSS Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips:

It’s called “BHSS-Hi-Polished-Finish”.  When dry, this finish is hard as nails. It dries very clear. Multiple layers of Varnish are used to coat the surface followed by extensive polishing work. The entire finishing process required for each pair of Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips requires one week of applications and polishing with each additional layer providing additional protection to the underlying surface. When complete, the BHSS-Hi-Polished-Finish provides a waterproof, stain resistant, scratch resistant, glossy surface.  Unlike some gloss walnut finishes that love to show scratches and wear, the BHSS-Hi-Polished-Finish result is as tough as it is beautiful.

Do we actually suggest using Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips for actual shooting?  YES!!!!! 

BHSS Heirloom-Grade MastersGrips are made with the same contour and center-of-grip-swell design (like a 1911 grip) that have made BHSS Hi-PowerGrips famous with Hi Power enthusiasts because of their excellence in “feel” and “control” of the Hi-Power pistol.  Shooting with grips this beautiful?  That’s your call, of course – we’ve made them to be as Tactically Superior as they are beautiful.

The BHSS  Heirloom Grade MastersGrips exceed the quality and beauty of any Hi-Power grips made by any other producer of Hi-Power Grips.  Included with Heirloom Grade MastersGrips are upgraded Gloss-Black Presentation Grade Grip Screws and Metal Grip Screw Inlays to protect the grip screw holes no matter how many times these grips are installed and removed.  Packaged in Protective Box and Shipped Insured.


BHSpringSolutions USA


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