Complete your SFS Spring Kit – Commander 1911s, Series 70


Spring Kit that completes the SFS springs for an entire 1911 optimizing.

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This BHSS-Optimizing Spring Kit is the perfect complement to the 1911 Fast Safety system.  Contains all springs in the 1911 not otherwise replaced by springs contained in the Fast Safety product.  Includes 3 BHSpringSolutions Optimized Recoil Springs and Includes Recommendations for appropriate use of each Recoil Spring and information about Slide Velocity Synchronization from the BH-Knowledge Base.

Spring Kit Includes the following springs:

1. 18 lb. Recoil Spring

2. 18 lb. Recoil Spring Progressive

3. 20lb. Recoil Spring

4. Magazine Latch spring

5. Firing Pin Spring

1911 Commander .45ACP 

4.25″ Barrel 


The .45ACP cartridge was originally invented to achieve optimal ballistics from a 5″ barrel 1911.  Shortening the barrel for the same size ammunition always presents certain challenges – primarily, controlling the same amount of energy and recoil with less Recoil Spring, since the Recoil Spring must become dimensionally shorter when the barrel is shortened.  Shorter life of the Recoil Spring is a predictable by-product of this compromise.   Users of the 1911 Commander .45ACP / 4.25″ Barrel should embrace replacing the Recoil Spring at intervals not exceeding 3 years or 3,000 rounds fired.  

  1. All 1911s are not created equal.  Nobody seems to know how many firearms manufacturers have built a 1911 semi-auto pistol.  And even though springs may be interchangeable between most of them, not all 1911s function best with the same recoil and main spring combinations.
  2. The design of the 1911 is so excellent, and so robust, that many 1911s continue to function, even after all the springs have become weak.  This is both a blessing and a curse – because although the 1911 may seem to function fine with unhealthy springs – accuracy will suffer and rearward slide velocity will become excessive, causing premature wear of parts.  In addition to causing your 1911 to wear out faster, weakened springs make great “riding partners” for a host of potential 1911 malfunctions, including:  Encountering ammunition with “hard primers” (failures-to-fire) goes hand in hand with an unhealthy main spring that no longer causes the hammer to strike the firing pin with sufficient force.  Experiences of failures-to-feed go hand in hand with a weakened recoil spring that no longer returns the slide to battery with sufficient authority.
  3. Variations in .45ACP ammunition, exist today, that did not exist in 1911.  The varieties of bullet weights and pressures in ammunition today constitute a moving target.
  4. All coil springs in the 1911 are compressed, when installed.  They are expending energy (wearing themselves out) just by being installed in a 1911.


    Solution:  The BHSpringSolutions 1911 Optimizing Spring Kit

                All BHSpringSolutions Optimizing Spring Kits, for the 4.25” barrel 1911 .45ACP, contain 3 Recoil Springs, Main Spring, Optimal Firing Pin Spring, Plunger Spring, Magazine Latch Spring, and a Firing Pin Block Safety Spring in the Series 80 kits.


    Why 3 Recoil Springs? 

    Generally, the distance of ejection of empty shell casings, gives us feedback about function and slide velocity.  And generally, we look for this distance to be in the 4’ – 8’ range.  This is where “All 1911s are not created equal”, applies.

    During our testing with 230 gr standard pressure ammunition, we found distance of empty case ejection to be in the 5’ – 8’ range with our standard 18 lb recoil spring.  Our 18 lb Progressive Recoil Spring, which makes the slide easier to rack on the Commander model, surprisingly outperformed all other springs tested.  And our 20 lb Recoil Spring did an excellent job controlling recoil with +P ammunition.

    What is the difference between a “Series 70” and a “Series 80” 1911?      

    The Series 80 is a more modern design, containing a mechanical firing pin block safety, intended to prevent accidental discharge if the 1911 should be dropped on the muzzle with a live round in the chamber, by preventing the firing pin from moving forward except when the trigger is pulled.  Series 70 1911s contain no such device and are fully dependent on the strength of the Firing Pin Spring, to retain Firing Pin in it’s rearward position, in the event the 1911 is dropped on the muzzle with a live round chambered.

    What is the difference between a Series 70 and a Series 80 Spring Kit from BHSpringSolutions LLC?

    Series 80 Spring Kits from BHSpringSolutions LLC contain a Firing Pin Block Safety Spring, a light Firing Pin Spring, and one each of our Heavy and Light Main Springs.

    Series 70 Spring Kits from BHSpringSolutions LLC contain an enhanced (heavier) Firing Pin Spring because, the Firing Pin Spring itself is your only protection against accidental discharge in the event of a muzzle drop in the Series 70 design.

    Plunger Spring:

    Contained in all BHSpringSolutions LLC 1911 Optimizing Spring Kits.  This multi-function spring is located inside the little tube you see on the left side of your 1911.  One responsibility of this spring is keeping the manual safety in the “on safe” position.  And, since “cocked and locked” also known as “Condition 1”, is the most common condition for carry of the 1911, keeping this spring healthy should be a priority for all 1911 owners.  A healthy plunger spring reduces the chances of unintended movement of the manual safety from the “on safe” position to “fire” position.  A correctly made plunger spring has an intentional “dog leg” in the center of the spring because this design works best.  The Plunger Spring must push in opposite directions, simultaneously, all the time.  The “kink”, or dog leg in the center of this spring creates a stationary position in the center of the spring because each half of the spring has it’s own job to do, in opposing directions.  A side benefit is that the Plunger Spring doesn’t fly across the room during disassembly when it’s made with the “dog leg” design.

    Magazine Latch Spring:

    This spring is responsible for positive lock-up and retention of the magazine in the 1911 grip frame.  If you read many handgun reviews, it probably won’t be long before you read a reviewer who comments that he or she unintentionally manipulated the magazine release during shooting or deholstering.  Of course, no magazine latch spring can stop this from happening if a shooters thumb is going places it shouldn’t go at the wrong time…….but a healthy magazine latch spring does decrease the likelihood of untended manipulation of the magazine release, as much as possible.  A healthy magazine latch spring provides maximum resistance on the magazine release, while still allowing smooth manipulation and function when release of the magazine is intended.


You accept that it is solely your responsibility to assure that any firearm you may own, possess, handle or work on, is completely unloaded and handled in a safe and responsible manner at all times and that you hold harmless BHSpringSolutions LLC, its employees and officers, from any and all liability resulting from use of firearms.

You acknowledge that it is your responsibility to assure that your firearm(s) are functioning in a safe and reliable manner and that if not, whether you have installed a BHSpringSolutions LLC product or not, you will take any and all measures, including repairs by a qualified Gunsmith, required to correct such issues before loading and using your firearms.