BHAdvanced Mecgar 10 Round .40S&W Hi-Power Nickel Magazine w/ Solid Brass Finger-Rest Base Plate (+0 capacity)


BHAdvanced Mecgar 10 Round .40S&W Hi-Power Nickel Magazine w/ Solid Brass Finger-Rest Base Plate

FN & Browning Hi-Power .40S&W (All Generations) (Belgium, Belgium / Portugal)

In stock (can be backordered)


BHAdvanced Mecgar 10 Round .40S&W Hi-Power Nickel Magazine w/ Solid Brass Finger-Rest Base Plate

Base Plate Designed and Manufactured by Tinnitus Designs LLC in USA

Typically, in FN/Browning Hi-Powers this component requires no fitting.  In some Hi-Power clones, this base plate may necessitate minor fitting

Installation/Fitment Tutorial

For ALL Mecgar Magazine sales by BHSS, we must consistently abide by the varying state laws regarding firearms magazine capacity. listings should include the following statement when a magazine capacity exceeds 10 rounds:

BHSpringSolutions LLC does not and will not ship firearms magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds to mailing addresses in the following:

Washington D.C.






New Jersey

New York


Colorado – No Magazines with more than 15 Round Capacity

Vermont – No Handgun Magazines with more than 15 Round Capacity